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Int 1A Fn B103  - Intel PCi BIOS V2.0c - Find Pci Class Code               [X]

   AX = B103h
   ECX = class code (bits 23-0)
   SI = device index (0-n)

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error
   AH = status
       00h successful
       BL = bus number
       BH = device/function number (bits 7-3 device, bits 2-0 func)
       86h device not found
   EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX may be modified
   all other flags (except IF) may be modified

Notes: this function may require up to 1024 byte of stack; it will not enable
     interrupts if they were disabled before making the call
   the meanings of BL and BH on return may be exchanged in future
   all devices sharing the same Class Code may be enumerated by
     incrementing SI from 0 until error 86h is returned

See Also: AX=B183h

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